I'm back!!!

After a brief hiatus, I realize my mind races if I don't write my thoughts down. Its called my "Mind Dump". And you all know that if you don't empty out time to time, things can get really backed up. So I promise a weekly excerpt, even if it doesn't make sense. But does anything in life make sense when push comes to shove?

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Adam Lambert Project

Ok, I know this post is really late but did you see the American Music Awards two weeks ago?

Adam Lambert's performance was saved for last...and I soon realized why.

Man-on-man kissing and crotch-shoving moves probably caused many jaw issues, pardon the pun. They say America is ready for this (like Madonna and Britney kiss) but are they? Certainly not middle America.

Dude comes in second on American Idol and wants to jump-start his career.

Squeeze me?

Come on. There is a reason you came in second. Work on your music and talent. Everyone has a right to their sexual orientation but I don't need to see that on a music awards show. There is Californication for inquiring minds.

The AMA's illustrated the competition of the freaks. Tiny Talent Time...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Smart-Assed Co-Workers

This is a shout-out to my smart-assed co-workers. You know who you are ;)

To quote the great Erma Bombeck: " If Life is a bowl of cherries, what am I doing in the pits?"

Thanks for my family at work who keep me above water and smiling everyday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I read the disturbing story of the mother who dropped her child over the railing at the Toronto Pearson International airport.

I can only imagine what that mother is going through.

May we never see our children die before us.

Hug your child today. Kiss your child today. Tell them that you love them.

You do not control your future. You do not control your destiny. But what you do control is ...today.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Create an Ocean

How are you leaving your mark in this world?

Last couple of conversations consisted of the following:

"I just bought a new car and I feel like a million bucks"

"I bought another house because the market is good"

"I just used my 25% off coupon at the Gap and got a fabulous fall coat"

Squeeze me?

Do you see the underlying commonality? Its all about buying and associating worth with those worldly purchases.

If you depart from this world tomorrow, what mark have you left?

One drop creates the ocean. BE THAT DROP.

Go Green.
Give to a charity.
Unveil atrocities.
Always keep a smile.

Don't wait....Tell someone you love them.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Queen Oprah leaves and the Joker prevails

Well, we knew it was coming.

The reign of Oprah is nearing its end.

Its amazing how long she captured the attention of the world in 125 countries for so long.

What will replace her show?

A more educational and captivating show.

Squeeze me?

When I grew up, I was allowed only one hour of the 'idiot box' a day. The useless shows my dad dubbed as 'Joker shows'were prohibited. Shows he deemed lacking substance and meaning.

Exit the Queen, enter the Joker....

Weather its right?

So the last couple of weeks have been unseasonally warm.

And everyone is enjoying it -- fall clothing is still yet to make its appearance.

Someone said to me that they hope it stays this warm until the end of December.

Squeeze me?

Didn't you hear about the latest farmer's almanac? We are in for a very COLD winter, perhaps Mother Nature will throw in some ice storms while we are at it!

Why do people wish for the opposite? I would rather we have proper seasons. They don't realize that will this flux of weather (due to pollution, global warming) that we are really mucking up the whole seasonal weather. Tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami and hurricanes are on the rise.

As long as it doesn't hit us here in Canada...right?

I am just waiting for a chunk of our home native land to break up like ice glaciers.. and float away...its coming, just wait and see...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Miserable Mattress

The man of the house decided to go out and buy a mattress--without me there.

He bought the floor model with a pillow-top. He and my daughter tried it out and thought it was firm enough. Long story short, they bought it. First day I lay on it, honestly..it was heaven. I felt like I was lying on a $2000 cloud.

But as the days wore on, my back increasingly became sore. I thought it was me. I was working out more during that time period, thinking this to be the reason for the stiffness. But then I slept one night on my daughter's cheap $300 IKEA mattress and woke up a new woman.

My dad said back in the old country, they sometimes slept on a "charpai": a small bed with 4 legs and weaved straw. He shook his head and clucked his tongue when I told him how much the mattress was. And then he said: "Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of"...

Squeeze me?

Why are the proverbs from the "old country" not applicable HERE!?

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Boss Factor

Ever have to walk into your boss's office and pitch new ideas?

It can be intimidating; it can be empowering.

Squeeze me? How can it be both?

I am learning not to distract myself with their reactions. Because that is how we equate our ideas--based on people's reactions.

If you believe and have faith in your ideas, no idea is a dumb one. Just like no question is a dumb one--no matter the reaction.

Even if they don't like your idea, never be disheartened or let your guard down.

Because at the end of the day, the secret weapon is YOU.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is it?

I know...its been awhile since I posted. Why? Life. It has been so busy but it gives me more to talk about as an array of ideas have been bombarding my mind.

One is Michael Jackson.

Making more money in death than in life.

Ridiculed, taunted and persecuted when alive.

Revered, honored and respected in death.

Squeeze me?

Does someone have to leave this Earth for someone to realize the qualities of a person who brought peace, love and happiness to the world?

Look at the good before you judge the bad -- and I mean about everyone.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Masking a Flu

I think I am going to start wearing a mask to work.

Forget the hand sanitizers. You will get H1N1 by breathing the air where it comes in through your eyes, nose and mouth.

My hands are chapped from hand washing and hand sanitizers.

I coughed today (into my sleeve) and was given an icy stare.

Squeeze me?

Gone are the days of being openly sick...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello? Anyone out there?

The office was notably empty today.

Yes, you guessed it. H1N1 has infiltrated our world.

Four members on my eight member team are sick. Don't know if they are all H1N1.

But I am still not getting the shot. Not enough information to yield me to go and get it. Still think the media is instilling fear..

Washing my hands and yes, I am still coughing...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Who am I?

I just learned this evening I am not who I think I am...

I asked my father this evening where our family tree was. He said it was in the home country and needed to be translated into English. He continued by saying alot of the names in our early ancestry were 'weird'.

Squeeze me?

And then he hit me hard...not physically, but my spiritual core. Apparently before immigrating to Canada from his native Pakistan, he CHANGED HIS LAST NAME!!

Now I really need to get my hands on that family tree...weird names, he says???

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Jay Leno Show

Poor Jay.

I loved him on The Tonight Show.

He has a new show now and a new time slot.

Its not working for me. Especially all those skits.

And I cannot switch to Letterman after his alleged shananigans.

What happened to the age old trick of just interviewing interesting people who have smart and witty things to say instead of all the SNL-like skits he insists on boring us with!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

I am still grappling with Twitter. I know many of you have set up accounts and are informing the world of your whereabouts, what you are currently doing or what you plan to do.

I opened up my account and created three twits. Yes, I said "Twit" and many in the office broke out laughing. "It's not TWIT, its a TWEET".

Squeeze Me?

That is when I realized I am behind in this new form of social media.

I feel like my parents did when I was a teenager. They did not understand the importance of the Rubix cube, Atari, legwarmers, MCHammer pants and Walkmans. But we sure did. If you were not part the trend, you were an outcast.

As I watch the kids "TWEET", simultaneously update their Facebook, download iTunes and connect their iPod Touch to their car stereos, I am perplexed like my parents were 20 years ago. I thought I would never be like them...I would make sure I know everything. I realize, I CAN'T KEEP UP!

LOL...Sorry to cut this blog short, but OMG and TTYL coz EYE need 2 ask Wha Sup' to my MSN friend whose asking "WTF!" Oh NVM!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Man of the House

I laughed out loud when I read this article about a man's lack of expertise of cleaning the house.

One of the tips offered is to create a game with a competitive atmosphere so that you time your cleaning is like a rush against the clock.

Squeeze me?

While I think about my next 'cleaning game' I have to work, cook, do laundry, chauffeur the children, assess homework duties, sign school trip forms, pay bills, complete groceries, pick gum out of hair and get my tires aligned.

Suck it up guys and grab the toilet brush!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Next Generation

It looks like I am going to talk about Star Trek, right? But sadly no...the next generation.

I look at the kids of today and remember my youth and our expectations. Day and night, I tell you. Kids today graduate from college/university and expect high end cars, big houses and senior positions in the workforce.

Squeeze me?

What ever happened to working from the bottom?

It looks like this ladder is made out of platinum.