I met up with a girlfriend. I had not seen her for months.
She looked good. I told her she looked good.
She said. "I know. I do look great, don't I?"
Ok, all together now: "SQUEEZE ME?"
At first I was taken aback. But then I actually respected her lack of humility. On many occasions, women tend to focus on the negative (their hair is damaged, hips are too big, they have a bad trainer, no sleep, too much work) instead of accepting the compliment. Most do not savour it and create excuses to present the illusion of diffidence.
This was the first time I had a friend, who is normally quite hard on herself, turn it around and admit that she had been working on herself for the better and proud to show it. And the change was not just physical. I could clearly see she was over her insecurities and stronger for it. I commend that.
Word up--keep it real. For those who cannot accept the reality, work on yourself before you judge others...
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