There is the age old debate that rages on that I must examine because it exists today in my house.
Street smart vs book smart. Or as a certain smart a** I know coins it "Dumb and Dumber."
One twin is book smart. The other is street smart. One does well in school and the other watches imaginary sailboats drift by. Without naming names and if you read my post entitled "Double Trouble" you may figure out who is who.
But like every situation, there are pros and cons to both 'smarts'. You can be book smart to the 90th degree, but unable to communicate the knowledge you have attained and use it wisely to make politically correct decisions. You can be street smart and understand the flow of society and get by on your wits but at some point will require to know some specialty or trade to move on up.
At the end of the day, each twin brings something different to the table. And its this variety that I appreciate, without trying to scale their 'smarts'. As long as you bring new ideas, you ask questions and start the creative process to any given situation, you are heading in the right direction.
At least she describes the sails and what direction the boat is going when I look into that starry-eyed face...
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