I'm back!!!

After a brief hiatus, I realize my mind races if I don't write my thoughts down. Its called my "Mind Dump". And you all know that if you don't empty out time to time, things can get really backed up. So I promise a weekly excerpt, even if it doesn't make sense. But does anything in life make sense when push comes to shove?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Facebook Fab or Farce?

I am on Facebook. I signed up because everyone else signed up and they squawked at my idea of not signing up. So to put it bluntly, it was peer pressure.

On the upside, I have found a lot of friends from my past and rekindled friendships. The founders of Facebook created a great networking tool but do I really want to know what everyone is up to and who is friends with who?

The voyeuristic part of me is yes (and its guilt-ridden) and the private part of me says, NO WAY JOSE. The government already knows enough about me so why provide a free for all? Even Obama warns against posting 'stuff' to Facebook as it could bite you in the a** in the future.

Squeeze me?

Yes, I do sound completely double-minded. But is Facebook really fabulous for the above mentioned reasons or are there more pitfalls than meets the "eye"?

Call me traditional and I have mentioned this time and time again. But here are my beefs:

1) If I wasn't friends with you in high school, I am highly unlikely to add or accept you as a friend on Facebook

2) Its really a numbers game. Last time I checked, I don't remember keeping in touch with all 2,097 friends.

3) Call me or email me. Don't write on my wall asking how my last pap test went

4) Stop adding me to all those innovated applications. If you want to hug me, come over and ring my doorbell

5) Don't invite me for dinner over Facebook. I don't live in Facebook, I just check in to do some light dusting! Pick up the freakin phone.

6) I don't post embaressing pictures of myself on my profile. Don't post my embaressing pictures on YOUR profile

7) Why break your mom's heart and ignore her six times when she invites you to be her friend? (I know, I know-- this is a tricky one but is our family entitled to know about our life when we left the roost 20 years ago?)

8) Why fabricate stories to acquaintances when you block them by saying you have boycotted Facebook indefinately?

9) If you are going to replace your profile pic with a random shot of a hot guy or girl to pass yourself off as a potential friend, lose the gun.

10) Entertainment Tonight featured a story of a guy and girl with the exact same name, who found each other on Facebook, developed a relationship and got married. Fat chance that you are going to find the mate of your dreams although Facebook is beginning to resemble a meat market.

Oh the list can go on, but I won't go there. Murders, break ups, accusations --I have heard them all and it scares me. Facebook is still trying to correct their privacy policies. But then again, does it really matter?

We are already an open book on Facebook. Just flip my pages...its all there for you to read and ....judge....but is it really ME?

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