I'm back!!!

After a brief hiatus, I realize my mind races if I don't write my thoughts down. Its called my "Mind Dump". And you all know that if you don't empty out time to time, things can get really backed up. So I promise a weekly excerpt, even if it doesn't make sense. But does anything in life make sense when push comes to shove?

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Spidey Punching Bag

My friend at work has a Spidey punching bag in her office. At times I find myself gravitating there to punch the bag, knowing that since I internalize my grief, I need an outlet. Several things had been bothering me, and as I carried all my burdens, I felt so helpless and tired.

The Spidey bag taught me a lesson today: the harder I hit, the harder it came back.

It was my sign.

Squeeze me?

Sometimes I just have to back down from the fight,let Spidey stand and stare me square in the face.

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places."
-Ernest Hemingway

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