I'm back!!!

After a brief hiatus, I realize my mind races if I don't write my thoughts down. Its called my "Mind Dump". And you all know that if you don't empty out time to time, things can get really backed up. So I promise a weekly excerpt, even if it doesn't make sense. But does anything in life make sense when push comes to shove?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Romantic Elliptical, Part 48: Submerged beneath the waves

I remember waking up but not. My throat was parched and my eyes were wired shut. I sensed the world around me. I could hear a machine beeping, faraway voices of nurses and an eerie feeling of something that loomed over me. I could not put my finger on it nor could I identify the source but it was there.

It came back to me in pieces. The pain. Dr. GQ. My father. Yvonne. The scribbles on my textbook. And as these thoughts penetrated my mind, slowly I began to wake up physically. I moved my hands on the sheets and tried to open my eyes. I turned my head slowly and as my eyes were opening, I saw a blurry image before me. I could make out a white labcoat and eyeglasses. Someone was watching me at my bedside. I wanted to pretend I was sleeping again but it was too late. They saw that I was about to wake up.

"Your surgery is complete," the faceless voice said. A wave of nausea hit me as I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I was not in the surgery unit but in my own hosptial bed. An older, stern looking gentlemen stood before me. I had no idea who he was. Where was my anaesthesiologist? No one else was in the room. This doctor stood before me in a stiff fashion, waiting for me to acknowledge him. I nodded.

"Your appendix was inflamed and therefore removed. But this was not the source of your problem. You had a massive cyst on your ovary which caused the inflammation of your appendix. Once we opened you, the cyst deflated and we cleaned up the infection. Everything is fine now."

I nodded again and swallowed slowly, expecting him to leave. However he continued to stand before me with his hands now clasped behind his back.

"Do understand that this may affect your ability to have children in the future. You will have great difficulty in conceiving or may not be able to at all." And with that, he walked out of my room.

The second wave of nausea hit with a greater force as I put together this doctor's diagnosis and the fact that I was to be married in four weeks. Two minutes later my father walked in. I heaved and heaved but the only thing to come out were waves of tears...

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