I'm back!!!

After a brief hiatus, I realize my mind races if I don't write my thoughts down. Its called my "Mind Dump". And you all know that if you don't empty out time to time, things can get really backed up. So I promise a weekly excerpt, even if it doesn't make sense. But does anything in life make sense when push comes to shove?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sounds of Music just got trumped --BIG TIME!

I watched Avatar this weekend.

3D was sold out. Watched it on a regular cinema screen.

I had goose bumps the entire movie.

Sick of watching depressing movies, horror movies, sadistic movies, conspiracy movies, retarded movies, etc. Yes, the list can go on. I usually feel like I wasted my money for 9 out of 10 movies I watch.

2010 could not start with a better movie. Take away what you want. It can be a cultural, religious, political, or a historical perspective.

The spirit of the movie took my breath away.

Makes me feel hope for humanity.

All I know is when the movie ended, it was worth every penny...

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